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About us

Křesťanská církev esejská
Essay Christian Church
The life of our church

The Essen Christian Church is a Christian community of believers who consider themselves part of one big human family from which no one is excluded. 

Registered members of the Essene Christian Church are all its priests and dignitaries, registered in the Book of dignitaries of the KCE.

Any citizen who shares the values of the KCE, meets the prerequisites for joining the community of deacons, priests and other dignitaries of the KCE and completes the theoretical and practical training prescribed by the Church can become a member of the KCE.

Every person, whether an atheist or a member of another community of believers, is welcome in the Christian Church of Esse. We cordially invite anyone to celebrate our inter-religious services and receive the love of God in a community of love.


In the Christian Church of Essay, persons performing spiritual work for KCE do not act as their vocation for payment.

All persons performing the activities of KCE dignitaries therefore have their own civil occupations.

Registration of the church in the Czech Republic

The Essay Christian Church (KCE) was included in the list of state-recognized churches on 20 January 2022 by decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Organizational structure of the church

Head of Essene Churches ****

The Esse Christian Church (KCE) in the Czech Republic is part of the international family of Esse churches that operate in sixteen countries of the world, on three continents.

The current head of all Essen churches, including the KCE, is His Holiness PAX Immanuel II. This mandate is exercised by PAX Immanuel II. Since 1999, he has been the third representative of the Essene Churches in their modern history, i.e. since 1972. The seat of the Head of the Essene Churches is Germany.

PAX –ChAva Cirkve

He is elected to his office by the cardinals of the Curia of the Church and holds his office for life. The seat of the Head of the Church is the seat of the international structure of the Church.


They are appointed to their office by the Head of the Church. This fact is confirmed by issuing an authorization decree.

Provincial Archbishop

He is appointed to his office by the Head of the Church.

Bishops and Archbishops

He is appointed to their office by the Head of the Church

The basic task of bishops – as representatives of Christ on Earth – is to organize the pastoral activities of the Church in the administered territory and to manage and support each priest in the bishopric.


Bishops appoint them to their office.

The basic task of the priests of the Church is to celebrate public services and to perform the liturgical acts entrusted to them in the territory of their competence and - in accordance with the instructions of their superior bishop - to carry out general pastoral activities.


Bishops appoint them to their office.

The aim of the work of a deacon is - under the supervision of a priest of the Church - to achieve sufficient knowledge, experience and practical skills that will enable the relevant bishop to ordain the deacon as a proper priest of the Church. The deacon directly manages the priest to whom the deacon was entrusted.

Both women and men can be appointed to all the above-mentioned offices within the KCE.

Integration of the church into church structures outside the territory of the Czech Republic

The church has no legal binding or dependence on the decisions of other churches abroad with vyjiby personnel decisions of the Head of the Church.

All international cooperation takes place at the level of partnership relations while respecting the independence of the Church.

Snímek obrazovky 2023-02-21 v 22.42.00.png

(Ordo Templi Christi Esseniorum - translated as the Order of the Temple of Christ of the Essenes)

O.T.C.E. is a Christian, spiritual and interreligious organization, focused mainly on activities in the social and humanitarian field, support of animal rights and assistance in the field of environmental protection and development. It synchronizes its activities to the necessary extent with fraternal O.T.C.E. in other countries.

The foundations of O.T.C.E. are based on the legacy and values of the historical Templar Orders, as well as those of their predecessors

The activities of O.T.C.E. are led by the Grand Master of the Order, who is appointed by the Provincial Archbishop

Order of the Queen of Heaven (ŘKN)

The Order of the Queen of Heaven is a proper Order of the Church 

ŘKN is a Christian, spiritual and interreligious organization, focused mainly on worshiping Mary, the Mother of God. To the extent necessary, it synchronizes its activities with sister ŘKN in other countries.

The activities of the ŘKN are led by the Abbess of the ŘKN, appointed to her position by the Regional Archbishop.

Order of the Queen of Heaven je interreligious, predominantly female order whose goal is to bring the Virgin Mary closer to people and through an exceptional sacred ritual to convey to each of its participants the special protection of the Virgin Mary. 

Its members are single and married women who have their own civic professions.

"To love all manifestations of life under the protection of the Mother of God".

With this motto, we want to express the demand for conscious acceptance of light and all manifestations of life. We respect God's Creation, the mental and physical freedom of every living being.

What do we believe?
  • To the proximity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, descended from the family of David, mother of the Divine Son, who gives us love and light.

  • Mary, Queen of Heaven and all Angels, brings us a message full of humility, offers us her refuge.

  • We believe that the Virgin Mary loves every being as she loved her Son, Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that God chose Mary as the ambassador and protector of the world.

  • She represents the feminine part of God on Earth with her energy.

  • Mary Magdalene, the apostle,  the beloved wife of Jesus, the mother of His children, his companion and comforter.

  • We believe that we can be in touch with the kind and merciful Mother of God at any time,   entrusting Her with our pains and sufferings with confidence in her maternal love, help and protection.

How do we live?
  • We are women in the Christian community.

  • It is very important for us to be in contact with other people.

  • Our Order exists where our convent sisters live. 

  • We are happy to invite you to our liturgical ceremonies and prayers.

  • We share our spirituality with anyone who is interested.

  • It is Our Lady's wish that the Order be led by a woman.

  • The Order of the Queen of Heaven welcomes everyone with open arms.

  • Anyone who feels the call of the Virgin Mary can find their spiritual home here.

  • We do not live behind the walls of a monastery, we do not take vows of poverty and celibacy. Our abbesses and sisters lead ordinary, everyday lives. They carry out their professions, live in their families with their partners and children.

What are our goals?
  • The Virgin Mary allowed us to serve a special, blessing ritual.

  • The goal of our Order is to provide everyone with Her protection.

  •  Within Her influence we recognize Mary as a mother who supports us.

  • Her protection relieves us of our fears.

  • We can confide in Her at any time with our feelings, emotions and problems.

  • We receive reinforcement, protection, help and understanding.

  • The more we open ourselves to Her, the more we can feel Her protection in our daily lives.

We are trying
  • To spread the worship of the Virgin Mary on the basis of free will.

  • To communicate Mary's message to all people to realize their inner strength and feminine side of personality.

  • To accept our strengths and weaknesses through the feminine aspect of the Virgin Mary as they are part of our daily lives.

  • To spread the knowledge that Mary was a strong woman who knew life in all its manifestations and lived in joy.

  • To receive with joy the love of the Virgin Mary and to share it with others.

  • To spread the knowledge that the Virgin Mary is accessible to everyone.

What does it mean to be a member of the Order?

Women who become members of the Order of Our Lady:

  • They increase their personal maturity.

  • They share their love and belonging to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • He finds the spirituality and power of the rosary.

  • They gain an understanding and knowledge of the origin of the Order.

  • They can receive priestly ordination within the Order.

  • They receive further education as part of regular exercises.

  • They voluntarily use their spirituality and strength for the benefit of the Order's projects.

Prayers, liturgy and meditation are an important part of our life in the Order.

How we manage our lives is reflected in these processes.

This is the way we want to feel Mary in us and thank Her for Her help and support.


Seeking men and women:

  • They can become passive members.

  • They feel connected to the Order and identify with its goals and principles.

  • They are under the special protection and guidance of the Virgin Mary.

  • Men and women accept their feminine creative power.

  • They are in contact with the Sisters of the Order.

  • They participate in, or even celebrate, special ceremonies and various other events.

Members are involved in all matters, events and projects of the Order based on their interests and talents.

Nothing is mandatory, no promise or commitment is required.

We give and we receive

we meet the Virgin Mary together with others in common prayers and liturgies.

When you lose something in your everyday life, we listen carefully.

We do not judge, we will try to help with your problems.

When you lose hope

We will be happy to keep you company on your journey.

When your personal life is in ruins

We are here to support you.

When you don't want to live

We will help you solve your problems and respect your wishes.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

Mary, you, as the strongest symbol of femininity, are dedicated to compassion.

All women on this planet

they carry deep wounds in their hearts.

Now is the time to recognize these wounds, to heal them through prayer

and thus create something new.

A new, free, transformed image of a woman.

Mary, stand by us and let every woman,

to experience this transformation through her faith in you.

Thank you.


Through this prayer you give us the possibility,

to all the women on our planet

they connected together in one Marian space.


Holy Mary, Mother of God,

You who are full of love towards  us humans.

You who are full of power and so present,

we are asking for your help.

Please open our perception to all the women of the world

to take  responsibility into your own hands.

To defend love and peace in the world.

Please help us raise our daughters and sons

as honest and sincere people, with awareness and respect for life

in union with God and trust in Him.

Please help us shine

so that God's light and his love can work through us.


Thank you beautiful, shining Queen of our hearts.     


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